Social Contribution Activities
We recognize the global environment that we have inherited from the past as something we are borrowing from future generations, and we promote business activities which take the envurinment in cinsideration in order to ensure that we can pass this environment on to our descendants in a sustainable cindition.
Donations of socks
We have been sponsoring socks for the UNICEF Charity Bazaar since 2012.Proceeds from the bazaar are used for various support activities to ensure the healthy growth of children in more than 150 countries and regions through the Japan Committee for UNICEF. In addition, since 2015, the company has been donating socks through various organizations in Japan, such as the Social Welfare Council. The socks are used by children in orphanages and maternity homes, and by families of patients with intractable diseases such as pediatric cancer.

Implementation of the factory tours
In order to deepen the knowledge of socks, which are a local industry in Koryo-cho, we offer tours of a sock manufacturing factory to local elementary school students.We would like to create an opportunity for people to become interested in local industry by having them see the process of making socks at the factory where the products are actually sold and learn about the work involved.